National Will to Fight Model – From a Spiritist Perspective
I read a commentary by Mansoureh Tajik, an Islamic author writing about Iran’s outlook on the Russian Ukrainian conflict. He cited a couple of studies by the Rand Corporation, which covered the question of a nation’s and an army’s will to fight.
He took a diagram of the will to fight model and modified it. In America, a know-it-all would say, there I fixed it for you.
This article is not about rehashing or analyzing the words, model, and data found in the studies about nations and armies. Instead, it is focused on seeing all events on Earth from the perspective of the spirit realm.
First, the original model:
This is a typical presentation delivered in our modern style. The color and graphics are all very professional. Categories and influences are well spelled out. The appearance suggests deep thinking involved, which lends it credence. Not to say the model is not correct, only to point out the format used in current slide shows.
I remember a report from a presentation during the Afghanistan war to a group of officers. After the slideshow, which presented numerous complex diagrams, with arrows pointing everywhere, a general said, “If we could only understand the power point, we could win the war!”
In a different field, I have been in the room and have contributed to decks of packed information, all reviewing data. The goal is always the same – to convince those present that you know what you are talking about - to sell them on your point of view.
My goal is not to promote or degrade the diagram, only to explain the current custom of analyzing events via fact, figures, statistics, etc. – in other words quantitative analysis. All very modern, sophisticated, and completely devoid of any recognition that we on earth are mere players on a planet absolutely ruled by God and Christ.
When I read Mr. Tajik’s article, I marveled at his modification of the “Will to Fight” model. Here it is:
He brilliantly placed his finger on two factors that are overlooked in today’s analysis of almost any subject. First, he adds “perception of” to the main influencing factors. He reminds us that humans do not live in a table full of numbers, but in an atmosphere of emotions. Emotions which are bombarding us daily. Spiritism notifies us that we are constantly being affected by inspirations – good and bad – from mature and immature spirits. The fact is, we are not logically thinking machines, but young souls fighting our primitive urges and attempting to ascend.
I do not make the assertion that modern thinkers ignore emotional chaos when analyzing and planning. Only that they often view individuals’ decision making in terms of reward and punishment (and other behavioral models). While this is generally correct, the presence of a set of Divine Laws embedded into each of us, tends to create great exceptions to this simple model. As an example, cases where people fight for great causes, not because of being frightened or seeking rewards, but for justice. One example is the American Civil War, where the North fought to end slavery. Or the British determination to fight the transportation of slaves via the seas. All these types of battles contain the seed of Divine Justice.
Secondly, and more importantly, Mr. Tajik surrounds the model with the words “Will of God”. We, generally, consider ourselves to be free standing individuals. Our collective will is determined by directions from our institutions of power. We look upon a country making decisions as if they and only they are sorting out the many variables and factors, and then determining the chosen path. Whereas, in reality, the human race is constantly being manipulated toward goals set by the spirit realm.
We are much less in charge of our own fate that we believe.
When we examine current events of history, we seldom understand the hands that guide us. It all appears so random and so cruel. Let me supply one small example. The spirit world, under the leadership of Christ, organized Western Civilization to bring certain benefits to the world – science, education, technology, organization, and more. Europe did deliver advances, but they also colonized and treated their subjects harshly. Therefore, the spirit realm determined to defang Europe and to teach them the error of their ways. They did this by starting the Franco-Prussian War, World War I, and World War II. Wars in which even the victors eventually lost everything. Europe, today, is a spent power, like the Ottoman or Roman empires of long ago.
Hence, to begin to comprehend the true meaning of current events, study Spiritism. Learn how and why humans are influenced and guided. There is an overall plan of progression, but the details, the tactics, and the strategy used is a mystery to us. Nevertheless, the more we are informed of the processes used and general goals set for us by Christ, the more we can discern which side of history we should be on.
Lastly, there is one unalterable constant to our lives and to world affairs – everything that happens is meant to teach us something.
Introduce yourself to Spiritism, read The Spirit Realm – Spiritism has Revealed the Reality of Our Existence.